A downloadable BOB for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A TOTALLY Normal Game Where You Meet A Weird STICK MAN named "BOB'


Please comment or let me know if you find anything issues or anything weird in the game and I will fix it

Also you can contact me at "heyya8482@gmail.com" if you have questions or want to help me out with games! I would really appreciate it!:) and really anything else I wouldn't mind you emailing as long as it's not inappropriate and I'm comfortable with it!.^.

And if you are emailing me and I respond with no, please don't get mad or angry-_-!

Unfortunately, this game has NO SOUND! Sorry!:( But I hope you still ENJOY it:)!

Since the game has NO MUSIC OR AUDIO  I recommend playing your own music while playing but of course you don't have to :)!

EVERYTHING In the game is drawn by me even the food 


STICKMAN's Friend.pptx 3.1 MB


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its a great game. i like bob, he's vegan, i like vegan people

Thank you for playing! I appreciate it :) and thanks for the feedback!